Core Muscle Strengthening

Core Muscle Strengthening

Many patients ask “what are the core muscles?” or “what exercises are good for core strength?”. Most fitness instructors will talk about the “six pack muscles” (rectus abdominis and obliques) as the core muscles, and show you exercises like crunches, sit ups, and...
Squatting – Correct Technique

Squatting – Correct Technique

I have recently attended a Body Pump class and found it incredibly enjoyable (although I was sore for a few days afterwards). Body Pump (or similar) is a great class as it combines the effects of resistance training and cardiovascular training at the same time. One...
Poor Posture

Poor Posture

How many times have you been told that you have poor posture, rounded shoulders, or that you slouch a lot? Perhaps you have children who have poor posture and despite repeated goading refuse to sit or stand straight. Maybe they complain that it hurts if they stand up...
Sitting Posture

Sitting Posture

According to Waddell, the incidence of back pain has increased by fifty fold in the last ten years, and one of the main contributors of this epidemic is an increase in work duties involving prolonged sitting. This makes back pain one of the biggest epidemics in...